The Offer & Acceptance – A Technical View – 2 Points




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This two point elective is an in-depth look at the technical aspects of the validity of a contract.

WA is the only state where sales representatives actually write contracts for real estate. In other jurisdictions that contract is prepared by a lawyer. Clearly lawyers are legally trained and sales representatives are not. What you need to be aware of is that you’re writing a legal and binding contract on behalf of other parties. So things that become important are, what is the buyer or the seller actually trying to say in the contract, and does that require special conditions?

The course covers the standard Offer and Acceptance document in use in WA:

  • Introduction and Context
  • Notices and Warnings
  • Substituted Purchasers and Agency Agreements
  • Ownership Types
  • The Schedule
  • Fianance Clause
  • Conditions
  • Structure of Special Conditions
  • Pre-Contractual Disclosure Statement for Strata Titled Property
  • Naming a Conveyancer

This course is suitable for sales representatives and licensed agents