Family and Domestic Violence (WCPT364) – 1 Point


Family and Domestic Violence. Chances are you don’t even know it’s happening in the properties you manage. With the new remedies available to victims in the Residential Tenancies Act and other legislation there’s a good chance you may be faced with the consequences. Learn how to deal with this difficult and divisive issue in this 1 point session.



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The Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing reports that one in six women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or previous partner.
This is a sensitive topic and the potential for the subject matter to be a trigger for viewers is enormous given the possibility that some of you audience may in fact be victims.
Family and Domestic Violence provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act have the potential to impact every property manager and every real estate agent in WA.
The session will include:

  • practical case studies,
  • identifying material facts,
  • signs and safety,
  • risk management and
  • best practice.