Waste 101 (WCPT368) – 1 Point


Designed for Facility Managers, Property Managers, Commercial and Retail Agents and representatives, or anyone looking to expand into these domains. This 1 point Elective CPD provides an overview of this increasingly important area.



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If you are involved in the development or management of commercial or retail property, or are a developer of large scale residential developments you need to know the implications of waste management to these property types. Watch as Huia Adkins of Encycle Consulting lays bares the reality of waste in real estate. Waste and energy efficiency aren’t just goals that make for a healthier planet, they help the bottom line too. Learn about amazing initiatives like Pay-For-Lux where Lighting and energy are viewed as services rather than products. Find out about the Waste hierarchy and what it means to you and your clients. Find out why we all need to care about Waste. Brought to you with the kind cooperation of Encycle Consulting.