The How & Why of Rent Reviews (WCPT377) – 1 Point


This session is heavily focussed on recognising the potential impact and major risk involved where an agency or individual within an agency fails in their understanding around critical issues relating to the how and why of Rent Review. Industry best practice relating to accurate, fair and realistic rent reviews are discussed. The session carefully examines the role of the valuer in arbitration and determination processes when rent reviews become a source of conflict between lessors and lessees. The use of unambiguous language and the need for both parties to agree on definitions and boundaries in the lease contract is explored.



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Commercial Real Estate Elective

The how and why of Rent Reviews, presented by a Valuer, from a valuer’s perspective. This session will cover the following:
• Overview of commercial leases
• Understanding rent review clauses
• What is important to a valuer
• Definitions
• Rent review process
• Dispute resolution options
• Determination process
• Arbitration process
• Market Rent – definition
• Lease Definition of Market Rent
• other definitions and terms

The session will then move onto a series of working examples
• Retail, office, commercial and industrial
• Specialised (eg licensed premises etc)
• Ground rent
• Interpretation of rent review clauses
• Collation and analysis of evidence