Easy Economics (WCPT365) – 1.5 Points




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Easy Economics: WA Industry professionals still struggle to answer real estate’s most pressing objection… “I’m just waiting for the Perth property market to recover”.
This session also now contains reference to Covid-19 and its impact on this conversation, with particular reference to consumer protection.
The inability to explain the what, when and why of the WA property boom means that consumers are placed at risk of making the wrong decision at the wrong time. This means that they lose money they shouldn’t be losing.
Join our discussion about what the West Australian property market may look like in the coming months, what factors make WA especially unique, what action the Government is taking and why, and what strategies we can employ as an industry to provide a compelling, competitive and highly valuable service.
This 1.5 point session is aimed at equipping industry professionals with the tools to provide realistic evidence-based market advice to potential and existing clients (and decreasing the risk of providing inaccurate or misleading information, or worse, inadvertently providing financial advice).