Mandatory CPD 2022: Sales – Catchup


Please note this is the 3 Point Mandatory CPD session for 2022 (not 2023) and it is suitable for those who are looking to “catch up” on their Mandatory CPD points for the previous year.

This session is suitable for sales representatives.

DMIRS Notice as of 9th December 2020 advises:

“Previously, individuals could obtain outstanding CPD points during a subsequent CPD cycle – such as completing 2019 CPD points during 2020 – with Consumer Protection paying for the cost of the mandatory training packages.

From 1 January 2021, Consumer Protection will no longer subsidise the catch up mandatory CPD training. RTOs will facilitate the delivery of the online mandatory CPD training packages so you can complete any outstanding points for the previous CPD cycle. The RTO will require you to pay for the training as part of the registration process.

This means that if you do not complete the mandatory activities by the 31 December deadline, you can now expect to incur the cost of completing the outstanding CPD activities. This is on top of the potential penalties that may result from the enforcement action we take.

If you are no longer active in the industry, you may wish to consider surrendering your registration or triennial certificate.”
