Ethics in Real Estate (WCPT406) – 1.5 points




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This is a 1.5 point session focussed on ethics in the real estate industry.  It may surprise you to learn that according to research, the public has a generally poor opinion of real estate rock stars.

This course will help you understand your ethical responsibilities and you will be equipped to differentiate between ethics, morals and law and how to use that knowledge to do the ethically right thing and thus reduce risk to clients and yourself.  This is an important step in helping raise the ethical profile of the industry which according to market research conducted by Roy Morgan has a poor reputation for ethical behaviour, in the public’s view.

We consider:

  • How does Legislation interact with morals and ethics?
  • What are ethics and why do they matter in real estate?
  • Why isn’t my personal morality enough to do the job?
  • Why isn’t the law enough?
  • Can something be unethical but still legal?
  • ACL and Ethics (misleading and deceptive conduct)
  • How are Ethics and material facts related?

We’ll do all this in the context of the REBA Act, the RTA, Code of Conduct and Australian Consumer Law.  We’ll also introduce you to a simple ethical framework that will help you steer your way to an ethically sound career. Suitable for agents, sales reps and property managers.