Contaminated Sites (WCPT367) – 1 Point


This one point session provides an introduction to the complex topic of real estate and contaminated sites. Produced with the kind assistance of Dennis Volk of Volk Property, this session will introduce the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 and the responsibility leasing and selling agents have to investigate and disclose possible contamination.



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This one point session provides an introduction to the complex topic of real estate and contaminated sites. Produced with the kind assistance of Dennis Volk of Volk Property, this session will introduce the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 and the responsibility leasing and selling agents have to investigate and disclose possible contamination. Many of us are familiar with Landgate’s Property Interest Report, but did you know that the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has a contaminated sites database available through their web site? This session will be of interest to commercial selling and leasing agents but also be of interest to residential sales representatives and agents who want to be fully informed on their obligations under this little known legislation. Failure to disclose contamination can be costly, not just in investigation and remediation, but also in penalties that can be applied for failing to act appropriately. Dennis Volk is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in this area and has numerous examples to illustrate this fascinating topic.