What is Title Insurance? (WCPT361) – 1 Point


This session looks at the risks that can be insured against by a Title Insurance policy.



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This session looks at title insurance in a West Australian context, including providing the answers to the following questions:

  • What is title insurance?
  • How does it work?
  • Who does it benefit?
  • How does it provide consumer protection?
  • How long does a policy last?
  • Is it relevant to all types of property including residential, commercial and industrial as examples?
  • What are some examples of the things that a consumer would be protected against if they had a title insurance policy?
  • Can you only get title insurance when buying a property or can a person take out a policy on a property they already own?
  • This session looks at the risks that can be insured against by a Title Insurance policy.
    Most real estate people have a very limited knowledge of this type of insurance. As this insurance can protect against property fraud, boundary defects and unapproved structures, it is becoming a more common insurance type and so needs to be better understood by the real estate industry.

    Made possible by the generous support of Stewart Title. [find them at https://www.stewartau.com/]